My aim is not to exhibit craft, but rather to submerge it, and make it rightfully the handmaiden of beauty, power and emotional content. – Andrew Wyeth
I’ve been asked a few questions about participating in National Poetry Writing Month so I’ve been retagging the posts about it to something more useful. Then, I plan to browse through three years of doing a month of writing poetry to see how it’s been for me so I can write something about it.
That’s the plan anyway.
I went to the eye doctor today which left me with very dilated eyes and not much will to stick little pieces of fabric on the wall, although I did think about the whole thing while sitting in the waiting room waiting for the eyeballs to dilate.
I had a nice consultation with the very nice Dr. Perlmutter and he got a nice consultation from the nice person from the Apple Store who was in his chair. Worked out quite nicely!