End o’day one

I did write a bit at midnight, you know, just to kick NaNoWriMo 2013 off right at the start. Then it was off to work very early this morning for a day of new iPad launch and other craziness. There was a lot that was nice, like the conversation I found myself in with a man who had moved to this area to work in the food industry and had that revelation: “self, this isn’t really doing it for you.” He decided to take a year off, I think he said he was doing some work at the Chatham Food Co-op and just trying to decide what to do next. Not my normal work conversation but we had that moment, in between the techno-talk. It was nice.

Came home. When I turn onto my actual road, it’s not even a quarter mile to my house. Being a nut-case, I don’t go too fast and I use my turn signal to indicate I’m turning here, into my driveway. Tonight the headlights behind me were coming up very very fast and I finally aborted my normal turning into driveway for a slide across the driveway mostly off the road onto the shoulder just in time to let the big car fly past me. Stuff like that I really don’t get: to slow down for someone turning into a driveway in a residential area delays your journey by a matter of seconds.

Glad that I was able to pull out again and pull properly into the driveway, I came in and made a pot of tea and sat down at the computer to write. Total NaNoWriMo Day One success with 1947 words and a nice stopping point for the night. (You can follow along at home with the counter in the sidebar!) I want to focus a bit on the progress of the main character as he continues to adjust to his new life. It’s not all smooth sailing for him.

Guess that’s it for the night. Going to goof off a bit before closing the eyes.

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