Fortune is much more particular about flours and ratios and kneading times when she makes her weekly pizza. This I cannot deny and I have no doubt that her pizza is a joy to behold and to eat.
Myself, I am besotted by my new cuisinart and not having made very extensive plans on what to eat tonight I decided I’d make the recipe that came with it. I started early enough that I didn’t care how long a rising time was required so I didn’t worry about thawing some sauce etc. Ooops. That’s not like me, not to read through an unfamiliar recipe. Guess what – NO rise time. 30 sec, 45 sec of processor time and turn out on a surface for a minimum of kneading and shape. Top and bake. Oooops. Oh and ooops again because this was for FAST pizza so they want you to pre-bake the crust, top and bake a bit more.
I went with shaping, topping and baking in a very hot oven and had to guess, I mean guage the time based on my experience.
Well, don’t you know, it came out mighty fine. There has to be not much better in the world than pizza that is put directly from the oven to your plate. And kept warm in the oven while you’re eating each bit. Mmmmmm. Smelled great, tasted great and was SO easy. I’m sure I’ll try other recipes but for near-instant gratification, this was it.
I made enough salad for the army of co-workers the other night and it was fun trying the slicing and grating blades. I have to relearn how long to cut things for the new feed tube but oh the joy of cutting and cutting.
Having good knives is important. I can slice, dice and chop quickly and efficiently. Having a workhorse processor is great though for many many things. And apparently pizza is one of them.