Progress report

I did the things that needed doing today. Worked on some work stuff.

Stopped at the East Greenbush Library to ask about the possibility of gathering some NaNoWrimers there during November (yes!) And while I was there I did a little writing.

sept 25 2013

And now the obligatory cat photo – deirdre this morning after a normal night with them sharing available bed space. The night before they got all spazzed about something – serious yowling, growling, hiding and puffed out fur, all four cats in various corners and hiding places downstairs. None of them came up on the bed. One slept underneath it with occasional small growls… I never did figure out what freaked them out but they were so out of control I ended up searching the house for some invading animal, as unlikely as that seemed. Bear outside? I have no idea. But at least they were all on the same team rather than ganging up on one of the herd.


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One Response to Progress report

  1. betty (MOM) says:

    You will be having some good times then come November.

    Cat showing off that she had as spooky night. Remember Halloween is coming. They know.

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