Random things

A whole lot of brain fade going on, which amounts to me thinking “oh, haven’t blogged” rather than “oh, I could blog” – with the predictable result…

Here’s something, for instance. I know I already posted about the unexpected change to my FIAT’s sound system but I’m really enjoying being able to use the USB port to play through and charge simultaneously. I’m guessing it was either related to the display change they did recently or a software update when I was in for other things.

After a few days of trying to figure out something ridiculously complicated in LOTRO, I decided I’d just go with it and not worry because it’s apparently all un-doable and re-doable and well, who cares anyway. Turned out all good.

I stole this HDT quote from Sandy who’s somewhere in the hinterlands of Vermont:

As a single footstep will not make a path on the earth, so a single thought will not make a pathway in the mind. To make a deep physical path, we walk again and again. To make a deep mental path, we must think over and over the kind of thoughts we wish to dominate our lives. – Henry David Thoreau

Someone gave me a sympathy card today with a note inside which was both comforting and very special to me. I am grateful for all the cards and notes sent to me and my family.

I am also grateful to my brother for **Reading.The.Will** last night in his best radio voice while I did somewhat stylized hand gestures at appropriate moments. We ended up doing a few silly things last night and it all seemed to work out. Turns out we were lacking in the **breathless person bursting through the door to announce they’re the previously unknown heir to the kingdom** and there were no weighty pronouncements. Mike did his best though, inserting dramatic pauses with suitable introductions (as in: “dramatic pause”). I helped out by pointing Vanna-like at the appropriate parties at the right times and indicating with finger counts what section we were in.

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