I have a small brag to make. First off, my two iMixes are cross referenced. So if you look at some of the individual tunes I list, under the album it shows one of my iMixes under “Top-rated iMixes.” Now the top-rated part is a load o’bunk, but it’s exactly right marketing to cross reference the iMixes by song/album. When I worked in the dot-com world, that sort of thing was the holy grail – viral marketing. whooo hooo.
Second, my stinking little page, listing all my co-workers’ iMixes turns up as number 3 out of 174,000 hits for “great mixes” on Google. Now this page is only a couple days old. It’s one lousy little page with a few non-web-based pages, a few meta tags and apparently JUST the right page title. I mentioned it ONCE here on this blog. Yes folks, that’s THIRD out of one hundred and seventy four THOUSAND returns. I rest on my laurels now.