Weekend at Brant Lake

Back from a nice relaxing couple of days at Brant Lake with my parents. Ron got OT so he stayed home with the multitude of cats.

Mom and I went to the Wings Falls quilt show which was nice – guild show with two years of quilts made by members. A few wowser quilts, some by unfamiliar names and many quilts from patterns and many that were “professionally machine quilted.” In a moment of bean counting I toted up the number and about a third of those entered had been professionally machine quilted.. About half the total quilts shown were judged.

Other than that the weekend was WET – it rained, thunderstormed and rained some more. We had just enough breaks in the rain that we got the 50 day lilies I’d ordered for Mom and Dad’s day in the ground. whew! Now some warm sunshine would be a good thing for them.

The lake is very very high.

On the way home I stopped at a place Mom and I had stopped on Saturday. Then, like a fool I hadn’t bought anything. It was Lazy River Farm in Warrensburg NY – right off exit 23 of I87. Some of the most spectacular hanging baskets I’ve ever seen. Nice other plants as well. WHY didn’t I buy a basket on Saturday I thought?

I was glad when I pulled up at five on Sunday that they were still open (til 6!) and I wandered around again enjoying the plants. A cat said hello to me and when I stopped to scritch his ears he put a paw on my shoulder and next thing I knew he was draped over my shoulder. So I hauled him around while I was looking. I finally asked if one of two baskets would be better in partial shade since my porch only gets morning light. I got to drive home with a beautiful basket in the front seat. I also picked up a resin frog with some attitude for the front garden. He was only $5 and I just had to bring him home. Left the cat at the garden center.

Nice drive home, not too rainy, nice views.

Now I’m off to read some more “House of God” and then to sleep.

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