News Flash! I Need A Vacation!

Instead of the winter lull, a moment of surprising personal discovery. I already knew that even though I have travelled a little, travelling isn’t something that I aspire to. I admire my friends who hop on planes and ships and go to warm places when it’s cold and interesting places at the drop of a hat. I’ve just never gotten an itch to do that. Yes I’d like to go to some interesting places, but a fear that I’d end up on a 17-city, 12 day tour, with connecting flights that take off and land in the either the wee hours or smack in the afternoon scares the bejeepers out of me.

Where was I? oh yeah, personal discovery.

What I mainly discovered this week was some deep personal flaw has put me in a state where I really really really need a vacation. A break. A recharging of my battery pack. blah blah blah. And yet even as I mock the ads touting Florida (oooooh, someone squeals in the ad, I went zooming across the everglades on an airboat – what a great vacation!) I realize that there just isn’t much I want to go away to do. What DO I want to do? And why isn’t there some deep longing that needs satisfying? Now, that really scares the bejeepers out of me big time!

One might say – well rent a cabin somewhere and hole up with your sewing machine! Now why do I need to pack up everything, schlep it to who knows where and unpack it. Work in a makeshift set up. Pay money to do this?

OK, what does it take to snap out of this? And no I’m not going to disneyland to feel like a kid again. ick.

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