Nobody likes “i’m sick” blog posts but what can you do?
Last night I slept for some hunks of time and what sleep it was. I dreamt of weird Harry Potter story lines, including getting ?snape’s? staff* and banning him from magic, including walking and driving routes that were once OK and then seemed foreign and impassable and then, including looking down and seeing that MY iPhone (this was Harry’s story after all) was all crunchy-faced. What to do, I wondered in the dream… tough it out for awhile? spring for a new phone?
When I woke up I wondered why I didn’t just flick a ‘reparo‘ in its direction.
* Now seriously, staffs aren’t really such a HP thing but in my gaming life, getting the just-right staff is key to the world so who knows…
Got up at the normally scheduled hour in order to call in sick and heard this wonderful story on the radio about Willa Cather, which I share here for you and so I can hear it again when less muddled.