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It hasn’t been that long since Witold Riedel has been in my blogroll but I’m sure enjoying keeping up with him.

The floor is littered with layers of paper. There are some odd magazines, some bills, some receipts. I somehow decided to organize that box behind the sofa, just as an attempt to procrastinate a little, get a bit of a breathing room.

Ah! Many of us can identify with this “purposeful” procrastination. When about to launch some new project, or for me when I’m about to start the actual quilting, suddenly everything else looks much more appealing. Clean the sewing room. Do the dishes. Lay in food for the long winter ahead. Defrost the freezer.

Anything but committing to the start of the real work. I think his description of needing that breathing room is right on. Sometimes you just can’t keep up the pace. Sometimes there’s some problem (perhaps even one that is without a name or description) that hasn’t found a resolution yet. Just a little more time is needed. A little more behind-the-scenes computation time so that when you do sit down to work, it’s fully time to work, with no excuses.

Each thing in its own time, even if it’s cleaning the bathroom sink.

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