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Geeks Put the Unsavvy on Alert: Learn or Log Off
From the NYTimes (requires free registration):

The tension over the MyDoom virus underscores a growing friction between technophiles and what they see as a breed of technophobes who want to enjoy the benefits of digital technology without making the effort to use it responsibly.

The virus spreads when Internet users ignore a basic rule of Internet life: never click on an unknown e-mail attachment. Once someone does, MyDoom begins to send itself to the names in that person’s e-mail address book. If no one opened the attachment, the virus’s destructive power would never be unleashed.

“It takes affirmative action on the part of the clueless user to become infected,” wrote Scott Bowling, president of the World Wide Web Artists Consortium, expressing frustration on the group’s discussion forum. “How to beat this into these people’s heads?”

Many of the million or so people who have so far infected their computers with MyDoom say it is not their fault. The virus often comes in a message that appears to be from someone they know, with an innocuous subject line like “test” or “error.” It is human nature, they say, to open the mail and attachments.

But computer sophisticates say it reflects a willful ignorance of basic computer skills that goes well beyond virus etiquette

Everyone has to learn about computers. No one is born knowing any of it. But those who use computers need to take responsibility for their actions and learn enough to do so. For all the people I hear describe themselves as “computer illiterate” or “technophobe”, some treat themselves as victims, poor-mes who just don’t seem able to learn. Others don’t feel they should have to (a lot of that goes back to the real men don’t have to type – that’s what secretaries do). And others are too willing to lay blame on anyone else. And some of it is the fault of the techo-marketers — it’s EASY. EASIER. ANYONE can do it. YOU can do it without knowing anything. So people don’t back up their files. They throw away files that their computers need to run. They click on viruses etc etc etc.

Disclaimer – Mom and Dad – you’re doing quite OK in the scheme of things! This isn’t pointed at you at all.

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