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I have a few daily must-reads:

What makes a good comic? Obviously something that makes you laugh or smile but it’s often that something that’s close to reality that gives you the most pleasure. Like this or this. Some of these cartoons deal with the ins and outs of everyday life, and in the case of Funky Winkerbean, sometimes they get serious too, but you know a smile is coming somewhere down the road.

I recently heard Berkeley Breathed interviewed on WAMC and not only did I learn how to pronounce his name but I gained a lot of insight in the difficulties and pressures of doing daily comics. He solved this by coming back with a Sunday only, large format only cartoon. He said that, mainly, he just needed to work with Opus some more.

The folks that do this for years not only have a lot of stuff happening between their ears but they make it come out on paper day in and day out. That alone is worthy of respect – none of this “I’m just not feeling it today so no cartoon today, ok?” stuff!

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