Happy NaPoWriMo!

Wordxword 30/30 poetry issued their first prompt yesterday for today and it was “From start to finish. Worked it into a sonnet for poetry month eve but hey, it’s got five syllables so…

The way of winding
the path we all take each day
From start to finish

all life – commitment
we all travel the same road
from start to finish.

where shall we go, then?
each day is a new commute
from start to finish.

—- and just to start the sonnets off for the month, from late last night:

The first of April, a month of travels
a month full of poems, from start to finish,
the daily stacks up, the month unravels,
the pages and words shall not diminish.
To speak of the small things, to sing for you,
to show you the things that fill everyday.
The highway and trees and clouds in the blue
the breezes that make April’s flowers sway.
Where will we go then? Where haven’t we been?
Just to see each day with eyes new and clear
so to see each day what has been most seen
we will look and write what we find most dear.
Fear in the starting but joy to come home
the road ahead paved with thirty new poems.

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