The beginning of the Seasons quilt

Spent the week poking around – puttering through the boxes of NYQuilts! stuff that I store. it was wonderful this year that things were in the box as indicated on the outside of the box – all I had to do was peek inside and verify that nothing needed replacing. Stayed up one night and came up with a new quilt design

Since I’d gotten my mid-term installment of grant money, I decided that a trip to the local quilt store was in order. A little stash building. Came home with about 9 yards of fabric, all beige-y and in half yard pieces. Went to kinko’s in that same trip and enlarged my drawing so I’m good to go as soon as I decide whether to turn-edge applique, strip piece etc.

Pat has asked me to be a “special guest” at the last class of her beginning quilting course next week. That should be fun. And I’m really looking forward to Vermont this year as well. Better find my paperwork – that quilt needs to get shipped soon.

Til later!

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