Changing the calendar page

Several things brought February to an end. First off: March 1st arrived!

**rim shot**

But seriously folks, March means that World Poetry Day is a few weeks away, on March 21st. It’s unlikely I’ll be home this year to send forth haiku all day long but I’ll do my best.

Today’s web-universe brought this:

napowrimo2013: Greetings, poets! Sign-ups for @napowrimo2013 are underway:

which means it’s time to be thinking about National Poetry Writing Month in April. Never too early to ponder themes or forms. Last year I found that having an over-arching theme ready to go helped me keep going. This year I might try a new form. Truthfully you don’t have to sign up for either of these events – they’re just out there and you can do or not do as you choose. Knowing they’re out there can open the way to finding other interesting folk who are out there doing their thing too, which makes it a fun month.

Yesterday, in a frenzy of pre-March-Madness, I threw caution to the wind and signed up for a class. My whole goal for the class is to mess around with supplies I’ve owned awhile and not used. So of course I went out and got the rest of the things on the supply list feeling virtuous that I already owned most of the needed things. Yes, even the fish, I already owned the fish. And the beautiful paint kit. And…


Let Loose the Kraken, no I mean paint!

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