it’s not often I get to say TGIF, but I’m off this weekend and then I have a few weeks of scattered days off… and then some vakay. woot.

When I got home last night, there was something laying in the middle of the porch. When I got closer, I could see it was my pruners, which hang from a hook right by the front door. Yes, that might be a little odd, but like hanging your keys up by the door (inside!) it means I always know where they are and they’re often quite handy.

But how did the pruners end up in the middle of the porch? I have no idea. I can’t imagine that a wind gust would have done that. If they had fallen down, I would have expected the house gnome’s hat to suffer the consequences. Perhaps the gnome did a little pruning somewhere for me LOL.

Last night, I plowed ahead in the Mabinogian a la Walton and just fiddled around in general. The wind was still gusting around but at least the house wasn’t shivering and whistling as it had the night before.

So just a few more hours and I’ll be enjoying some time at home.

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