
This is a wonderful blog post from Lorianne over at Hoarded Ordinaries about what a writing retreat, or any other kind for that matter, is all about. I liked the mental image I got:

At that August retreat, a handful of my Boston-area colleagues and I gathered in a windowless classroom in MIT’s Stata Center, the leader writing “BRAWN Writing Retreat” on the chalkboard at the front of the room. That was all it took to transform Just Another Day into a Day Devoted to Writing.

I could just imagine the leader walking up to the blackboard and writing “Just another Day”, waiting a couple moments, crossing it out and writing “Day Devoted to Writing.”

Sometimes that really how simple the process is. Not head-slamming, earthquake inducing, thunderbolt shedding, mind-blowing revelations and epiphanies. Sometimes it really is just about putting your seat in the seat or going into the room and just doing it for as long as it takes to actually do something. Make it happen by making it happen, one bit at a time.

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