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Another To-Do List

Then there’s the quilt that I’m supposed to be making and have partially done by June 13th. Four of us have the same 20 plus batiks and we’re supposed to each make a twin size quilt.

This is turning out to be harder than it would seem. That’s just SO not how I work, to start with a pile of fabric and say – what will I make of these? Normally I start with a concept or pretty much the whole quilt in my head and I pull fabrics to get something like what I want. And it goes from there. Starting with the fabric and trying to pick a pattern or idea is hard.

I’m not alone in this from what I’ve been hearing from my three cohorts.

Thankfully, a trip to the quilt shop today may have resolved my problem. I bought a most wonderful fabric which I thought would work and when I got it home and pre-washed it – YES – it does work. Phew. Now to cut out a lot of squares and start sewing together the most simple of quilts where it’s all about the fabric.

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