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Tonight I was more than ready to fast forward a bit to tomorrow, just to say, TGIF!

I did another horizontal seam on the pink and green quilt. 11 more to go.

As I was sewing along tonight, 1.5 inches at a time (match point, sew to that, match seam, sew to that, match point, etc) I thought, it’s not obvious if you haven’t been doing this a long time so let me share this hint. You know I sewed all my “columns” of little blocks together first. And you may not know that I favor ironing seams open rather than pressing to one side or another. If you do this, be sure to open up your seam allowances ahead of where you’re sewing. I normally open up the seams a foot or so ahead of the needle. What I mean by this is to use scissors or seam ripper to break the bit of thread in between the blocks. Why? That way I can put a pin from top to bottom to match whatever I have to match and see what I’m doing. AND you have to cut that thread anyway to iron the seam open. So do it now so it can help you!

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