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I’m totally obsessing about my webcam. How cool is it? Let’s just say that my herd of cats now have a small but dedicated band of watchers all around the world. They wait, as I do (and the cats) for the nice patch of sunlight to come around the house and hit the top of my cedar chest. Then, right on schedule, parade o’cats. One after another they hop up, look out the window, take a snooze, groom in ways that seem physically impossible… in otherwords – they act like cats. Only now – we can see them.

I suppose it’s a good thing that we now know that cats really do move during the day when no one is home watching. And I can only speculate on why this is of interest, but it is. Despite some suggestions that it be titled the “all-naked-quilters-all-the-time webcam” it’s not so just get over that. On the other hand, I could see setting it up next time I start working on a big project! Time lapse quilting. Stay tuned.

Hit the refresh button to see the photo change here…. If it’s dark – well, it’s dark.

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