Getting back to what makes people happy…. I am trimming up the 320 blocks. Tedious? Maybe. Boring? Better not be too boring or there’s room to lop off fingers. Rewarding? Yes.
Meanwhile, I successfully installed my Airport Extreme Card. It’s WAY cool. I thought the instructions in the Powerbook’s manual were very helpful. And it works GREAT. I was sending emails from work just sitting in the breakroom. Not something I’ll use a lot but it’s nice to have.
I brought lentil soup to work a la crockpot. That made my co-workers happy and that makes me happy too. There’s just nothing like cheap food that’s excellent for you and easy to make.
Let’s review what I made this weekend, triggered in part by my new dutch oven: pot roast, beef bbq (oh yeah), lentil soup, chicken fricassee, chicken soup (oh yeah, baby!) and nicely done chicken to go in the chicken soup.
Don’t you hate it when the meat for the soup is all dried out and overcooked? Not in MY soup! I have made chicken this quick easy way for years: Bring huge pot of water to boil. Throw in whole chicken. Bring to boil and keep there for 1 minute. Turn it off and leave sit, covered for 1 hour. Take chicken off bones. Wonderful moist, perfectly cooked chicken.
As a side bonus you get the startings of wonderful chicken soup. Throw the bones of the chicken back in the same pot of hot water. Add your basics: whole onions, whole garlic cloves, whole carrots, whole stalks of celery. I use a big tea ball like thing and put my garlic and peppercorns in that. Bring to a boil and then simmer for awhile. Strain into a different pot and discard all the bones and veggies. Add diced carrots and celery, adjust seasonings and cook until vegetables are cooked.
When you’re going to serve, heat up the soup, throw in the meat to heat through and serve over freshly cooked rice or pasta. Don’t store the starchy stuff in the soup. Eat up, it’s good for you.