Afternoon report

I’m through the scary bit of drawing a line all the way around the edge of the quilt (just to see how it connects at the end.) If the line does connect, I then proceed to the scarier bit of rotary cutting (please please please no oopsies!) all the way around taking off the one inch or so of extra that’s there. That’s done too. So the scariest bits are done.

After that, I’ll be sewing one line of stitching all the way around in the seam allowance for a bit of stability. Before that, I’ll be making and ironing the bias. Since my bias isn’t the 45° my seams won’t be either, me having decided in a math-geek-moment that it’s better to stay with the principle of bias binding and to have the seams join on the straight grain of the fabric. Whoa. I’ll let you know how that works out.

I also need to make two sleeves, one wider than the other to attach top and bottom. These can be put on after the binding is attached or at the same time. No difference.

One hopes that when you hang up a quilt that the edges are flat. At least I do. I don’t want gentle undulations or anything else going on. Once I’ve got the binding and sleeves on, I usually hang it up for a quick look at how it seems and take any corrective measures needed.

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