Starting a blog

I thought it would be interesting to keep a more diary-like journal during the coming year, perhaps not just focused on taking photos and sewing but a little about what I’m thinking about and doing.

I tend to be a pretty busy person, but the past week was over the top for me. I put everything aside for about 3-4 days to prepare a web page portfolio for a job I’d applied for. That was intense! The interview went pretty well, although I’m sure there are other more experienced web page designers out there. The job wasn’t so much about writing code as organizing all of the resources of this organization and putting them on the web for their members to access.

Anyway, after that, the monthly NYQ! meeting and (Friday) a mega-headache, I was ready to sew today. I almost didn’t care WHAT I sewed. But I did start a new quilt, and one of the grant ones to boot. I feel pretty good about it and made a dent in a bunch of little blocks. Ron is working this weekend so I have a nice block of time to work.

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