I thought, since I wasn’t doing much productive, I could measure and whack off a piece of something for the backing of this quilt. Easy. Simple. Not mindless, but pretty straightforward.
So I went and re-measured. I pulled out a big hunk of fabric that’s been hanging around and hung it up on the wall for a moment. Nope. Not that fabric. It’s one of my rules that if I’m going to quilt the heck out of something it has to at least show on the back.
OK pull out another big hunk of fabric. Black. Just black. Measure off the needed bit and it sounds so simple. Rip the big piece in half lengthwise. Rip the other piece in order to add the stupidly small piece needed to make the necessary width.
Bring it in to press it so I could sew the few long seams together to make the back.
There is absolutely nothing square (as in perpendicular) about any single piece of fabric I have before me. If I start on the fold side, I can make it about 1″ off on each corner. I could throw it in the wash and see if “it relaxes.”
Note to self: when fiddling around with designs on paper – maybe they should be under fabric width wide.
The other option is to seam horizontally and be done with the whole thing.
Later Update: I did iron and trim the pieces pretty much into submission. We’ll see how it goes. At least I know the batting won’t need any putzing around with!