Having lived with a bunch of cats now over the past 20 some years, I know that they are very social, spend quite a bit of time maintaining their social structure and making me a part of it. My part is as a not-a-cat-but-she-does-know-where-the-food-is and good-to-curl-up-with-when-it’s cold and is-mostly-not-scary-but-yells-sometimes-but-not-too-much.
Each cat has a unique personality. Some big mushy lovers who pour love over you at ever turn. Some a big strong boy who says “you can be in my pride, ok?” Middle kits who sidle up and just want some affection without strings. Wee small kittens who don’t have enough brain cells to know how big the big boys are and who bounce around and try to love anything that will let them get close. And everything in between.