Off? It’s all relative

It’s ok, go ahead and say it: “She’s been off for years.”

I’m not working at the day job today but I’m piled up with things to do. I should clean out the fridge (will do that tomorrow to sync with trash day), could do any amount of cleaning, could, should, could, should.

This reminds me of the photo meme that was going around for all different factions or groups: what my parents think I do, what my friends think I do, what my boss thinks I do, what I am think I am doing, what I am really doing… LOL yeah it is sort of like that.

In reality, I’m going to finish my coffee and push a bit on this quilt. It’s at a point where if I get a chunk more done it will start to look like something and that’s always encouraging. (As long as it does actually start to look like something, of course.)

So that’s the plan for awhile.

And for those wondering where my normal progress photos are. I may change my mind on this, but as others have blogged (and here), there’s a strange no-man’s land bounded by show requirements, the ability of others to post your photos to social networks and the urge to share one’s progress on one’s own blog.

I may have to stick with mysterious in-progress photos that don’t hint at the whole, so bear with me.

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