Did you miss me?

After yesterday’s post blitz, today must have seemed quiet! I spent part of my lunch trying to nudge my NaNoWriMo plot ahead and later as I was driving home decided it probably wasn’t a very good direction. I’ll think about it some more.

Tonight I did sew some more strips to squares and realized it had all gotten tangled up in the thread going to the machine… some goofy quilter had something to do with that, I suppose. So I ironed those bits and stacked them up: 68 squares to add to the pile after phase two is done.

Not sure why it finally occurred to me to lay them out for pressing in groups of 10, rather than any old number. But it did make them easy to count after they were nice and flat. I’ll take whatever small breakthroughs I can get.

Tried to watch the Nebula awards. Good in concept (being able to watch it online) bad in execution (ustream has an annoying habit of breaking in with ads at the worst possible moment) and strange in its level of strange technical problems (how many people need to have problems getting their powerpoint going on a screen before you think that… well… couldn’t they be just a little more geeky or something?)

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