quilting and haiku – done for the night

I think I found a groove tonight. With the actual squares I’d made earlier I have about 70 of 260 squares done. Laying there on the ironing board they look pretty good.

Meanwhile, I thought about things epic-like and wrote these:

Where are we going?
How will evil be vanquished?
Let me hear the tale.

The Hero. Evil.
Meet for battle as fated.
Someone write it down.

And with that, off to hear who does what to whom in The Táin. I’d just like to say that I flipped back a few pages last night because I remembered that the thing which is about to get very bloody started out with a chapter called “pillow talk”. It did. But, as reported, even the table of contents promised carnage so I can’t pretend to be surprised, only at how it came to be.

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