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Ah – first post-show weekend. Friday night I put away a lot of the show stuff, some of it into nice new plastic containers. I really should own stock in rubbermaid, and I’ve said that for years. Maybe when I become a stock owner again and I stick with my plan to diversify?

Anyway, yesterday I managed to do some grocery shopping – chicken, stuff for spaghetti and meatballs. Renewed some things like my port supply and got some chambord. Also got some salsa to take to Vermont. I did bake the chicken yesterday but we ended up going out for Indian/pakistani food. Don’t have to ask me twice! :-) I also decanted some quite old vodka in which I’d soaked red raspberries. I’d removed the berries quite literally years ago, but there was a small bit of sludge at the bottom. I poured out the top part as quickly and neatly as I could and then filtered the rest. Didn’t lose much which is good because it’s DARN good. Wow. Today I made the sauce and the meatballs. Mmmmm Ground up the fennel myself. Actually, I crushed it in my pestle. Whoooosh goes the fennel smell through my sinuses.

After a big storm front went by (I was up towards Stephentown when it hit, it’s rather cool and sunshiny. A nice break from all the grey. That’s it from this part of the world I guess. One big sensory experience.

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