Day 29 #NaPoWriMo2012

I had to make a poster telling about a customer I met today and I ended it with a haiku summarizing the whole thing with my month’s tradition of hashmarks: #haiku, #NaPoWriMo and all. This no doubt will please some, confuse some and befuddle others and ain’t that just the goal of the month? Works for me!

Not the double dactyl that suggested but here you go, Day 29. The linked poet’s blog, Peter Roberts, I remember from last year. His #29 was just spot on and I especially appreciate his keeping with a theme all this time.


For you a month
of dancing with words
is both long and short
a gavotte of rhyme and meter
meaning and theme
rising and skipping
from line to line
You write them on the page
or place them on a screen
and look and re-write
and look and re-type
and hope someone will read them
someone will find them
You learn some poems by heart
reciting in the quiet
drawing the words and meaning close.
Our songs we write together
I tell a verse and all repeat
we say it all together
when we’re ready we go on
with the next stanza
drawing on the story
spinning out the hymn
waves from mouth to ear
and stringing us all together
on an endless horizon
of song and memory.
We still remember, here
in the starlight, on the seas
We sing of time pouring forth
our tales and yours.

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One Response to Day 29 #NaPoWriMo2012

  1. mom says:

    Bravo!!! Bravo!!!! Proud of all you do.

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