Day 26 #NaPoWriMo2012

Maureen at suggested an elegy and at first I wasn’t going there, but turns out it just turned that way. Perfect for the month’s theme.


No, I’m not dying.
We’re not dying out.
Like the little café
you only went to once
and then were sad over
when it was gone
you’re letting us go.
You’ve got your earbuds
and your small screen
and someone’s voice
on the phone
you go to work and
you come home and
don’t make any stops
on the way.
I understand
time is fleeting
for you.
I watch the flow
of your generations.
For me the waves
of days and birds
and trees and skies
are endless.
You see the end
where the path
goes out of view.
I see it there
for you.
But I ask you, friend:
why hurry to it?
linger here and chat
let your heart believe
that you’re part
of my endless.

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