Day 16 #NaPoWriMo2012

Long day and I’m glad for the ice I’d gotten to keep the Oscar’s cold – I’m having lots of COLD beverages.

Decided that tonight I could show a more mischievous side of the month:


Night. Very quiet.
The cat is asleep.
The dog is asleep.
You are asleep.
A spoon
carefully thrown
hits the dog
and startles the cat
the dog barks
and runs after
the cat who runs
away from something.
But you know this
you’re awake now too.
I sit on the top
of the china shelf
and laugh and laugh.
The cat hides.
The dog is
escorted out.
You go back to bed.
I laugh and laugh.
and then
I laugh some more
while the cat and dog
look in through the window
and you lie awake
in the moonlight.

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