How to Tick Me Off

How to really tick me off:

First, send me a bunch of emails that consist of Microsoft’s idea of html — taking MS word documents and saving it as html doesn’t do it folks. Each email I got (and I got three of them) looked like 130K plus, was total garbage in eudora and when in a snit I cut and pasted all three into a single email to send back to the sender, I tied up my machine with a resulting 600K text email. Took some finessing to get rid of it, but I prevailed, cursing out the sender the whole time. I managed to send her 200K of it back, carefully changing the first and last tags enough that no way could it be interpreted by her MS as anything but text. I believe it was huge tables of books for sale. And she had scooped the email from a little known web page – luckily she didn’t email me at all my different domain based emails.

Second choice – send me so many copies of the lastest Windows virus that my email is all screwed up due to bandwidth and server issues. Thanks very much for supporting, guess what – MS again. Folks – if you have to use outlook, at LEAST change your attachment folder’s name and location. It’s not hard and that alone can help disable viruses. Geesh. Pay for software to check for viruses, update it religiously, or better yet – get a mac.

Third – drive 40 miles an hour in a 55 mph zone and then, in the first and only passing zone, pull out to go around a truck that’s creeping up the hill. Only – don’t pass them. Just sit in the passing lane at 40 mph with 6 cars behind you. That’s the closest to road rage I’ve ever felt.

Fourth – Be our ISP and respond to my request for assistance with a “we don’t know but we think it’s because xyz. someone else had a different problem that was sort of the same.” Mind you, I had sent a copy of the error message so they could see that it seemed to be a problem on their end, and I was guessing it was due to the pile of 130-200K messages/viruses I’d been spammed with. Why did I think that? Because last week, when I had the same problem, I asked them to manually delete those files and guess what — the problem went away. Hello – that’s a problem on YOUR end folks. Fix it. Instead, when I politely declined their first suggestion and suggested that it was a continuation of last week’s problem — they responded with – oh, well first we need your account name and password and we’ll delete files that you tell us to. How about just fixing the problem instead.

OK, now you know. I’m in a totally pissy mood and none of it’s my fault.

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