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I’m still alive and doing bits of sewing. That’s actually a good thing about quilting. You can have multiple projects at various stages, all going on at different rates, all at the same time. Last night i couldn’t resist putting a little quilting onto the nine patch quilt. I was SO pleased with how it looks.

Tonight I wanted something a little different so I cut some of the many pink squares into triangles and I’ve whomped up a bunch of blocks for the “pink” quilt. That looks interesting too.

I think I’m bonding with the folks at work over some things. Some were expressing concern today – where’s doug (aka the inventory guy) and why are you doing his job? Well, truth be told, Doug took the day off to follow his passion – he and his dad went to see the movie Spiderman today at 10:30 AM. We managed to hold down the fort pretty well so he could enjoy a day off. One of my co-workers shared some music with me – saying only “this guy was the guitarist for Phish.” Well, at least I know how to spell Phish! LOL

Long week. Ugly weather. Unsettled weather in my head as well. Hope to actually make progress in some things this weekend so I can get out from under,.

I really only came downstairs to get the camera so I could take some photos. Stay tuned.

update: I wanted to add my voice to the Verisign Google bomb – an effort to keep people aware of the ineptitude of this company and its mishandling of domain names and registrations. Go here for more information: Verisign

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