Dual Duty, your time has come

Driving back from a work meeting at Proctor’s Theater in Schenectady I saw a big white glow back from Rt 5. I wondered if it was a drive in theater and tried to think what it might be. Got closer and it was the big white box building that is Taft Furniture. Big white-faced super plain building surrounded by huge amounts of continuous parking lot (are there ever any cars there?)

Anyway, I had this flash – why don’t people build big buildings like this that could be used after hours for other things – movies, theater presentations, band concerts. All you need is a big flat side without windows (more popular for building design than is understandable), or a slightly larger loading dock with a roof covering, or a racked set of stairs for arranging orchestra members or choirs.

I know – too good an idea. I’ll put it on my list of “things happening once I’m Queen”. Number one on that list is to tie all highway repair funding to the simultaneous burying of all power, phone and other cables. Off with the wooden poles and endless stringings of cables. Number two will now be: all approvals for commercial buildings with large parking lots over x acreage must include plans and support for one of several community entertainment types.

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