Sunny winter morning after the rain

No ice storm lingers this morning. Most of what fell last night,making an impressive amount of racket, was slush and grapple. I went out and fetched the mail and filled the feeders (aka turning on the kitty tv) and enjoyed the sun’s warmth.

Last night, while trying to stay focused on sewing the facings to the current quilt, I got distracted by a digital conversation with some co-workers which led me to firing up photoshop and creating a tshirt design (and companion i-device case). That certainly was a blast from my past. The fact that you can come up with a design and have it printed on an individual basis is probably red-light-warning sort of tempting to me. Oh dear. I’m going to ponder it and will post links when I decide.

Am also working my way through the Mabinogian which is just fascinating stuff. Not dense with words needing look up, although last night I did have to find out a bit about ancient Welsh land divisions. I made it pretty far without needing to stop and do that though. There were a few bits, especially early on where the translation was wanting. The sentence structure just didn’t make sense, but it wasn’t critical so I plowed ahead.

The stories are of course mythic in scale and filled with cunning and magic and super abilities.

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