The moment of starting.

My big box o’thread appeared this morning a couple days before expected so it was good I managed to get all those pins closed last night.
Superior UniversityNothing like mail!New Thread ColorsNew and other threads I'd pulledSuperior Thread Colors

This meant that it was time for the ceremonial cleaning and waxing of sewing table and cleaning and oiling of the sewing machine and setting up the test quilting piece and having a brief go at that.

It seemed like a Good Thing that there, atop the sewing machine, waiting for me like a rare epic Warcraft ring was this:

Ring of Fearlessness - 2007 Ring of Fearlessness - 2007

I’m no fool. Bind on Pick Up or not, I put that on and went on with the rituals required.

I’m going to start by sewing down all the little yellow flecks so I can get rid of all the small applique pins holding them on. Then it will be on to the main event, quilting the heck out of it.

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One Response to The moment of starting.

  1. mom says:

    Looks like all is in order. Good luck. God speed.

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