Another day come and gone. Loooooong day. Very long. I did another seam of my quilt (see 3/26 entry) yes indeedy it’s come to this: sewing a fairly good sized quilt 1.5 inches at a time.
I paused from this exciting task to sew a little rice bag for our cat, although I’m using it at the moment. Actually I might have to make another one for me! You know rice bags right? You take a nice piece of flannel or other fabric and you make a little pocket or bag with one end open. A simple thing, like a pillow case. Fill about half or two-thirds with regular uncooked rice. Carefully sew shut the open end of the bag. You’ve got a rice bag!
Why do you have a rice bag? OK, put it into the microwave and nuke for about two to three minutes. Remove. Make sure it’s not TOO hot. You’ll figure out how long to cook it, the first few times. Nice and toasty warm? OK – apply to sore body parts! Or slide between cold covers and sheets, down where your feet are going. Apply to stiff neck.
In my case, wrap in light towel and place in carrying case of small cat going to vet for his little operation. Yup, tomorrow’s the day for little Gus (aka “The Dink”) to be altered. Last time, when he had his hernia repaired, the tech suggested rice bags rather than a bottle of hot water. Makes sense to me, not so cold after it cools off!