Pieces that make the whole possible

From Robert Genn’s email last night:

Emotional evolution means combining basic skills–such as the above–so that a unique voice and engagement occur. Finding your unique voice may not be everything, but it’s way ahead of whatever comes next. Emotional evolution takes time and patience.

He always gives me stuff to think about but this one was particularly good. He laid out five things, big things, to learn. He says, do you have to learn them? No. But learning them lets you develop everything else – your voice, what you do – because those things won’t get in your way. Learning them will help you.

But if you persist in this direction, [not learning them] your unskilled work will be like that of so many others–and you will begin to bore yourself. On the other hand, the skills I suggest are worth learning for their own sake–and they will stand you well no matter what you try to do.

Today: bit of cleaning, including the cutting table so I can pin. First: coffee.

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