While checking my referrer stats, I discovered this mention of this very site:
Following up on my referers I found this one, a quaint little site that only sent traffic to me as a result of a BlogSnob ad.But then I saw it, top right, a little ‘Fruitcake’ button, which takes you to this site. Why is this interesting? Well, it’s actually funny, in a silly ‘small-world-no-life’ kind of way only because of what my site was originally called. To which you respond “Oh, it going to be one of those nights is it?”.
Now, how weird is that? Of course, we don’t really know what his site was originally called, LOL.
What this really means, dear readers, is that it’s probably time for a little site tweaking. I’m not sure I’m in favor of being a “quaint little site.” Just kidding.