What are you doing?

My WoW friend and photographer friend Richard Rodriguez shared this on Facebook: 10 Things Every Photographer or Creative Person Must Learn. What a fabulous reality check! I sat there reading and nodding and maybe fidgeting just a little (hmmmm how’m’i doing in that category? huh – how about that?) but mostly nodding and remembering all the resounding “do the work” discussions over the years. yup. yup. yup.

Then I get to the end:

[This list was unabashedly, profoundly inspired by my pal Guy Kawasaki’s article “What I learned from Steve Jobs.” If you like this version that I’ve adapted to and reworked to be creative industry/photography centric, you’ll still love Guy’s version here.]

Guy is quite the guy. I used to follow his blog, How To Change the World and amongst other gems was his 10/20/30 Rule of Power Point. These guys didn’t just crawl out of their parents’ cellars and garages. They have some darn straight thinking going on. When I looked up his blog tonight, his top 12 list of lessons from Steve was on the top.

Thanks Richard, Chase and Guy. Keep on keeping on.

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