And then? And other questions…

there are the days when you don’t understand what happened with a simple question you asked. Did I really ask something else? ask the wrong person(s)? lose my mind?

Should I move to montana and go into witness protection? Will they let me choose a first name I’ve always wanted to use if I ask nicely?

And what about all the other stuff that I don’t get at all and can’t even figure out why I have to worry about it, let alone who I might express my concern to… Again, Montana beckons.

Really shouldn’t be this hard and I’m not at all a shy sort of person when it comes to this stuff.

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3 Responses to And then? And other questions…

  1. Dalleah Lawson says:

    Montana is good! You’d have to work on riding Western style….

    P.S. I understand about questions…think reference interviews many time a day with people who are frequently clueless about how to describe what they want, and equally clueless about my questions trying to clarify….
    Well, there was the gal who rudely discussed my name at length, then asked “what’s your middle name?” She was totally puzzled when I asked her if she also wanted to know the name of my grandmother’s cat. Very un-pc, I’m considering saying my name is Susan or something when I answer the phone.

    • Dalleah Lawson says:

      P.S. Since I brought up my name…I’ve been wondering how my name acquired a second “L,” did I type it wrong at some point and the computer never forgets?

  2. Daleah Lawson says:

    Testing for “L” eradication…

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