Robert Genn’s most recent email talked a bit more about the differences between men and women and linked to an online color test. I think I’d seen this before but I took it anyway. I didn’t labor over it but I got a really good score according to them. On the other hand, I found it just fascinating that my “off” choices were all in the blue-green range.
I have more blues and greens and blue-greens in my stash than anything else. Over-compensation? More choices = more chance to be right? A stash full of “not quite rights”?
I wonder about this and my tendency to put an “off-ness” into places where you might be expecting a smooth gradation. I feel I do this purposefully since I’m pretty sure I could make a smooth transition if I chose to. Pretty sure. LOL.
Anyway it was a fun thing to do before the coffee was ready. Maybe I could have gotten a better score if I’d gone after-coffee.
Thanks for sharing this color test. My score was zero…the highest possible score. I’m glad to know my color vision is good.
My color vision is not good. 98 Some in my age are over 1500 Still not so good for me.