Humpday haiku – Square

From my silliness 4 homework today:

Four sides all the same
Equal corners all alike
One side of a cube.

Cut up many squares
Sew the many into one
It’s just what I do.

Unlike the haiku
The square’s the same all around,
And not round at all.

Say not about the square:
What goes around comes around.
It turns a corner.

The natural box
Contains my thoughts and ideas
Let them out again.

Squares loose in the wild
Pretend to be rectangles
Stretch and pull their sides.

Some think squares unhip
But I have known them too long.
They fill my whole world.

Posting Haiku to Blog

Haiku - Where Analog Meets Digital

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3 Responses to Humpday haiku – Square

  1. Andrea says:

    LOL! Love it! My faves: Unlike the haiku & Say not about the square.

  2. Mary Beth says:

    Thanks Andrea! I sat having my lunch and counting on my fingers. Who cares if that looks odd?

  3. mom says:

    They all sound good to me. I can’t connect to doing those. Love

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