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Glad that Blogger is back up and runnning. Some ne’er do wells have way too much time on their hands!

Busy week on the work front and I finally bit the bullet and started a project at home that is way overdue. And of course, as you might predict, since I’m now under the gun, everything that COULD go wrong certainly did and is. Hate that. And I even gave up and bought a book about the project and that didn’t work either. Yes I did follow the simple sounding instructions and No, it didn’t work at all better than it had previously. And then it took my whole program down and apparently trashed the mostly done document with it.

Now there’s under-the-gun angst for you. Mind you, the actual document that I need to go to the printer is 95% done and it’s fine. So what am I agonizing over? I’m trying to get a document from WordPerfect (yeah yeah yeah, I know) which is a classic application, to any OS X application. My plan is to format it to match the original and then to “print to PDF” so that I can skip the html nightmare of getting the document into web format. uh huh. sounds simple and let me just say, so far it ain’t. So the time saving, at least this time around is long gone. I was hoping though if I could bring this long-standing project into a more modern software that next year it would be smooth sailing. A girl can hope, can’t she?

Work was busy and constant for the most part. The really nasty last minute shoppers didn’t seem to come back the day after Christmas as I feared. Maybe they were too exhausted from last minute shopping and then all-night wrapping?

OK, back to work now for awhile on this fool’s mission.

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