For Bill, My Cat

From long ago, but I thought it was time to put it in here. Bill died in January 2005.

For Bill, my cat

Each time I sweep I realize
more and more of you
is leaving
hair by hair
mote by mote.
the you that was here
lives here less and less

More and more of what
is swept up
is the sweepings of others
Less and less
the remainder of you.
more and more
this process fills my head.

I have swept out
old boyfriends before
and past occupants before
but today
I look around and see
here you scratched to
make this place yours

When others are sweeping
me up and making me
less and less
they no doubt will look
less kindly on those marks

Perhaps they will remove
us both altogether
pausing not at all
in their work
until we are only
memories to each other.

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4 Responses to For Bill, My Cat

  1. Bodhirose says:

    Sad but true–we all can be swept away by others. I have a cat too and hadn’t thought about when she’s gone, that there will be some of her left behind for awhile–to be swept away.

  2. Jingle says:

    super sweet and lovely tribe,
    bless your cat.

  3. andy says:

    Hard to beat – the bond with you pet. Beautifully written.

  4. apt piece.

    love your pet.

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