National Poetry Month Day #14

Well it seems as though NaPoWriMo and Not Without Poetry have crossed paths at last, here on Poem in Your Pocket Day.

I’m trying to learn this poem.
I copied it out of a book
It’s been traveling with me
like an old friend with secrets.
The paper grows softer.
It seems less sharp-edged.
But the words when I’m
reciting still have some
spots that are missing.
When I go back and read them
the words fit perfectly. Perfectly.
I carry the poem in my pocket.
I hold the poem in my hands. I love it.
Will I ever be able to recite it by heart?

And if there were any doubt, it is this poem that makes me slap my forehead in the exquisite word placement and my inability to put those words in the right places by memory.

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One Response to National Poetry Month Day #14

  1. Tilly Bud says:

    You’ll get there, because you want it so bad :)

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