And in other news…

I finished the quilting on my quilt last night. I’m pleased with it. I hope to get the facings and sleeve on today so I can photo it in the next couple days. Nothing like a deadline.Yesterday was quite stormy with an inch of rain and a lot of thunder. Not sure how my ride-on-mower-kinda-guy neighbor (ok, the guy who keeps nipping at my squash plant! grrr) is managing to mow, but my lawn is too wet today. Actually I do know how he’s able to mow – his lawn is VERY short. Mine is a few inches longer and yet not untidy looking.

So, instead of mowing today, I went out and did battle with brush and blackberry bushes. No big blood loss for me so I guess I won this round. I need to get back out there, maybe tomorrow and take out some larger things.

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