New Year, Day the Second

This morning was a balmy 39F and dripping. Snow is receding. Lots of low-lying clouds and fog. Sky with lots and lots of different colors and types of clouds. All in all an interesting ride to work.

The whole 1-1-11 thing apparently caused a few digital problems on the order of getting some iphone users some much needed catch-up sleep. How brilliant is that? Good job Apple!

And the first pizza of the year: felt a little rusty in the making (no kidding!) but sure tasted good in the eating. And the un-drunk chianti from Christmas dinner went great with it! Total bonus.

Tonight I hope to unpack my new bolt and compare it to what’s remaining on the old bolt of black so I can start cutting and sewing!

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One Response to New Year, Day the Second

  1. mom says:

    Not much ado on the 1-1-11 date. Kate looked good. I bet they were happy for soup. That always tastes good. Talk later. Happy year year again.

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