
Today: clear blue sky overhead, cool and crisp, everything glistening with sun. So much like that morning in 2001. That morning when my folks and I were getting ready to spend the day with friends, we had no idea the world was about to change.

The world has continued, shaped by petty-minded people, good-hearted people and people of all types. Many strive to use the fear and ignorance in the hearts of others to achieve their own ends.

We each must remember the moments before the first plane hit the World Trade Center and the first minutes of that horrific day – to remember the pain of loss, the disbelief that any human being would take that kind of action against others, the lesson on the meaning of terrorism. We must hold onto the desire for peace, and the right of all to live a peaceful life. We must be purposefully tolerant and accepting and just as purposeful in our rejection of behavior that is otherwise – both in ourselves and others. We must speak out against fear-mongering and bigotry.

Let each of us stand as a tower of remembrance and peace in the world today.

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